Page 8 - 2020 Mount Vernon Business Directory
P. 8
8 Mayor’s Message
Mount Vernon Mayor
You belong here. . .
Thank you Mount Vernon Chamber unique to our region and it provides
of Commerce members for your higher bandwidth and faster, more
contributions to our quality of life in reliable connectivity to forward-
Mount Vernon! As Mayor, I understand thinking entities who want to access
the importance of supporting our global and local markets.
local businesses and encourage the
habit of purchasing products and Our guests come to Mount Vernon
services in our city. As our business for its distinctive hometown charm,
community has transitioned out of its history and ties to our surrounding
some difficult economic times, we agricultural heritage, and for the
have emerged stronger. Adversity has innovations that will propel the
taught us to creatively adapt, change residents and businesses of this city-
and rethink our customary ways of by-the-Skagit River into the promise
doing business. Our local commerce of our thriving future. In 2019, our
is better for it, and our community staff is working on creative ideas with
is more strategically positioned to our local and regional partners to
flourish in the years ahead. attract businesses, and tourist dollars,
to the City of Mount Vernon.
Our City Departments work hard to
ensure that residents and businesses— City Council and I encourage you
from Hickox to Hoag Road, and from to be involved in our community.
Big Rock to the West Side—have Your participation with the Mount
access to quality services; and our Vernon Chamber of Commerce is
staff stands ready to assist you on your a perfect example of how you can
journey to opening and enhancing engage and connect! Please feel
your business opportunities in our city. free to contact City Hall at any time.
Mount Vernon’s fiber infrastructure is Being a part of Mount Vernon is more
offered at very affordable rates to our than just business, it is connection to
local businesses. This city amenity is community. You belong here!