Page 7 - 2020 Mount Vernon Business Directory
P. 7

Superintendent’s Message              7

                                       DR. CARL BRUNER
                                   Mount Vernon School District

      Excellence in Teaching

       Located in the seat of beautiful Skagit
     County, 60 miles north of Seattle, Mount   •  business and marketing, visual media,
     Vernon  is a  diverse  school district  that   information technology, construction,
     has been serving students since 1891.   and agricultural sciences;
     Our  nine  schools  and  home  school
     partnership program currently serve  •  award-winning  band  and   choir
     approximately 6,700 students in grades   programs at the middle and high
     kindergarten through 12. Six elementary   school levels;
     schools provide educational programs   •  a dual language elementary school
     for students through grade 5. Two      that feeds into dual language programs
     middle schools serve students in grades   at LaVenture Middle School;
     6 through 8. Mount Vernon High School
     is home to students in grades 9-12. With   •  support for English Learners;
     close to 1,000 teachers, administrators,   •  partnership with the Northwest Career
     and support staff , the district is the largest   and Technical Academy for students
     school district and the third largest   desiring further career and technical
     employer in Skagit County and is a major   training; and
     contributor to the local economy.
                                          •  specially  designed  instruction  for
       Strong community support of our      learners with special needs.
     schools is a tradition in Mount Vernon.
     The district has successfully passed   In 2016, the Mount Vernon community
     operational and technology levies for   passed a $106.4 million construction
     many years. This support, combined   bond funding a range of projects from
     with careful stewardship of taxpayer   the elementary through high school
     dollars, has allowed the District to   levels.  Harriet Rowley Elementary –
     develop a strong educational program.   the District’s newest school – opened
     Highlights include:                  in September 2018. The newly rebuilt
                                          Madison   Elementary   opened   in
     •  small class sizes, especially in grades   September 2019. Projects scheduled
       kindergarten through 2nd;          at  Mount Vernon High  School  include
     •  elementary band, orchestra, and   the renovation of the campus’s original
       choir;                             building, Old Main; replacement of the
                                          school’s agriculture mechanics shop;
     •  classroom technology to enhance   and construction of a new classroom
       teaching and learning;             building.
     •  programs for highly capable students   Strong communities require strong
       at all levels (including over 10 Advanced   partnerships between schools and
       Placement courses at Mount  Vernon   parents,  community    members,
       High School);                      businesses and municipalities. In Mount
     •  a  broad  range  of  exploratory  and  Vernon, you can see those partnerships
       advanced high school Career and  in action every day. Welcome to a
       Technical Education classes in the  wonderful place to live and learn!
       areas of family and consumer science,   Dr. Carl Bruner Superintendent
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