Page 14 - 2020 Burlington Business Directory
P. 14

14                                      Community Information

     EMERGENCY                  Courier-Times         UTILITIES
       Police Emergency 911     1215 Anderson Rd        Cascade Natural Gas
       311 Cedar St, Ste B      Mount Vernon, 98274     (888) 522- 1130
       Burlington, 98233        (360) 416-2135          Comcast
       (360) 755 - 0921         Fidalgo This Week       (800) 266- 2278
       Fire Emergency 911       901 6th St              Frontier
       350 Sharon Ave           PO Box 39               Communications
       Burlington, 98233        Anacortes, 98221        (800) 921- 8101
                                (360) 293- 3122
       (360) 755 - 0261                                 Public Utility District #1
                                Skagit Valley Herald
       American Red Cross       1215 Anderson Rd        (360) 424 - 7104
       Mt. Baker Chapter        Mount Vernon, 98274     Puget Sound Energy
       (360) 424 - 5291         (360) 424- 3251         (888) 225 - 5773

       WA Poison Center         The Argus               Waste Management
       (800) 222 - 1222         1215 Anderson Rd        (800) 592 - 9995
                                Mount Vernon, 98274
     HOSPITALS                  (360) 424- 3251       SERVICE CLUBS
       Skagit Regional Health                           Burlington - Edison
       1415 E Kincaid St      POST OFFICE               Kiwanis Club
       Mount Vernon, 98273      US Post Office          PO Box 177
       (360) 424- 4111          720 E Fairhaven Ave     Burlington, 98233
                                Burlington, 98233
       PeaceHealth United       (800) ASK - USPS
       General Medical Center    (360) 755 - 7332       Burlington Lions Club
       2000 Hospital Dr       SENIOR CENTER             PO Box 331
       Sedro-Woolley, 98284     Burlington Sr. Center/      Burlington, 98233
       (360) 856- 6021          Community Center
     LIBRARY                    1011 Greenleaf Ave      Burlington Mid-Day
       Burlington Public Library     PO Box 35          Rotary Club
       820 E Washington Ave     Burlington, 98233       PO Box 724
                                (360) 755 - 0102
       Burlington, 98233                                Burlington, 98233
       (360) 755-0760         TRANSPORTATION  
                                Amtrak                  burlingtonmidday
     NEWSPAPERS                 (800) 872 - 7245
       Anacortes American                               Rotary Club
       901 6th St               Sea - Tac Airport       of Burlington
       PO Box 39                (800) 544 - 1965        PO Box 185
       Anacortes, 98221         Skagit Transit (SKAT)     Burlington, 98233
       (360) 293- 3122          600 County Shop Ln
       Cascadia Weekly          Burlington, 98233       Skagit Valley Eagles
                                                        Aerie & Auxiliary 3242
                                (877) 584 - 7528
       PO Box 2833                                      119 N Cherry St
       Bellingham, 98227        WA State Ferries        Burlington, 98233
       (360) 647- 8200          (888) 808 - 7977
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