Page 79 - 2020 Burlington Business Directory
P. 79

2020 Burlington Chamber Directory020 Burlington Chamber Directory
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     Skagit County Fairgrounds              B
                                            Burlington Freeway Storageurlington Freeway Storage
      1730 Continental Place
                                                 (360) 757-0171360) 757-0171
      Mount Vernon, WA  98273                    (
      (360) 416-1350
                                           111 S. Norris St - Burlington, 98233
                                           111 S. Norris St - Burlington, 98233
     Skagit Cycle                          (360) 757-0171
      1704 S Burlington Blvd     
      Burlington, WA  98233                     Monday - Friday  9:30am - 6pm
      (360) 757-7910                                 Saturday  9am - 4:30pm
                                                      Sunday  Closed
     Skagit Skate                             Access Hours: 7am - 9pm every day
      390 Cedar St
      Burlington, WA  98233               Simple Box Storage
      (360) 755-5001                      10941 Chuckanut Dr
                                          Burlington, WA  98233
     Skagit Speedway                      (360) 200-6609
      4796 Old Hwy 99 N
      Burlington, WA  98233                            Tattoo
      (360) 724-3567
                                          Triumph Tattoo
     Swinomish Golf Links                 604 E Fairhaven Ave
      12518 Christianson Rd               Burlington, WA  98233
      Anacortes, WA  98221                (360) 755-1391
      (360) 293-3440
                                             Theatres / Performing Arts
                                          Lincoln Theatre
     Bayhill Storage                      712 S 1st St
      15935 Preston Pl                    Mount Vernon, WA  98273
      Burlington, WA  98233               (360) 419-7129 x100
      (360) 757-4572
                                           McIntyre Hall Performing Arts and
                                           Conference Center
                                           2501 E College Way - Mount Vernon, 98273
                                           (360) 416-7727
                                                             See ad on page 79

        Skagit County’s premier venue for receptions,
        meetings, conferences, and performances offering
        a full range of high tech features and services, ample
        parking, catering options and easy event planning.
        For availibility and pricing,
        call 360.416.7622
      Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon Campus | 2501 E College Way | | Box Office 360.416.7727
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